It was such a beautiful sunrise this morning, and these colors make me so happy that many of my paintings have been influenced by these views. Â The amazing skies overlooking the desert are majestic and are a constant reminder of how wonderful it is living in such an environment.
Desert Open Studio Event
January 26–28, 11 am – 4 pm
I am showing a selection of my paintings during Desert Open Studios with two great friends. Open Studios is a 3 day event over the last weekend in January (26/27/28 Jan) where 150 artists showcase their work. Elaine Asarch has opened up her studio on 68733 Perez Rd C-6 (No 35 on the Open Studios map) and is sharing the space with Lorien Suárez-Kanerva and me.  We would love to see you at the studio.Â
Earth – Sea – Sky: Am Yisrael Chai in White Hot Magazine
On another exciting note, the multi-talented Lorien has written a wonderful article on my exhibition at Slutzky Gallery in Irvine CA.
"Like doorways, her materials open inner depths that reveal an exterior and interior journey beyond her lifetime to include her ancestors as a rich generational tapestry. Hyman’s intricate, deep-rooted compositions coalesce into idiosyncratic matrices of strata built up through a physical and emotive process that draws energy from its components."
And just in case you don’t get through to Irvine, there is a video of the exhibition by Eric Minh Swenson: